Are You Retirement Ready?
What are the answers to the following questions?:
- Will I outlive my money or will my money outlive me?
- If I live to be 100, will I have enough money?
- How long would my money last if I were to stop working today?
- If I have a retirement shortfall, what can be done about it?
Find out the answers to these questions and more by obtaining a Free Retirement Analysis from Legend Financial Advisors, Inc.®
Learn "How to Maximize Your Retirement Readiness", please call (412) 635-9210 to schedule a meeting to obtain a Free Retirement Analysis.
Specifically, the Free Retirement Analysis will include the following:
- A basic retirement income analysis (one time single projection)
- Review a personal annual withdrawal rate based on actual cash flow needs
- A basic net worth statement
- That summarizes assets and liabilities
- A basic social security projection (for one of the following)
- Age 62
- Your full retirement age according to the social security administration
- Age 70
- Have a discussion of IRA Rollover options
- Have a big picture discussion of investment allocation needed to address long-term retirement cash flow goals.