Interested In Obtaining A Personalized, No-Cost Second Opinion?:

Legend offers a personalized, free second opinion to investors and organizations to enable them to maximize the potential benefits from their investment portfolio.  For full details as well as the specific areas that will be addressed, please read the information below and call Legend at (412) 635-9210.

Who Is Legend?

Legend is a Fee-OnlyFiduciary advisory firm.  Legend does not have an affiliation with a broker/dealer that pays commissions to Legend and/or any of its affiliates.

Why Obtain A Second Opinion?

Most investors may have little confidence that they will be able to achieve their financial goals, including not outliving their savings.  Even worse, many fear they will lose their monies.

For Investors With Advisors Or Brokers/Salespeople Who May Lack Competency:

Many advisors or brokers/salespeople may not have the ability to guide investors thourgh volatile markets.  Therefore, the investor’s investment needs are oftentimes not being appropriately addressed.

Too often, these so-called “advisors” lack knowledge of how the investment markets work, investment taxation, economic understanding, investment product costs, trading inefficiencies and many other complex areas.

For Investors That Self-Manage Their Monies:

Different problems arise for those individuals who manage their monies themselves.  Among the many complications that such investors face include the following: market movement complexity and ever expanding investment choices, the fact that an individual may lack sophisticated investment analysis tools and training, a shortage of time devoted to the investment process (reading, analyzation of securities, financial markets, training, etc.), lack of education when trading securities and the knowledge of how to minimize some or all aspects of investment-related income taxes and expenses (costs) as well as fear when it comes to making changes to their portfolio.

Legend’s personalized second opinion addresses the following items:

  1. An analysis of one’s existing investment portfolio structure
  2. A detailed and technical evaluation of each investment based on past history and potential future performance
  3. An illustration of how one’s portfolio will perform in a “stock market crash”.  For more information, click to the stock market crash analysis section
  4. A discussion of one’s personal comfort with risk and how well the existing investment portfolio fits
  5. An evaluation of the portfolio’s income tax-efficiency
  6. An estimate of income that can potentially be withdrawn from the portfolio, if applicable
  7. An identification of potential cost reductions where it concerns transactional cost analysis including trading spreads, the individual’s investments and their investment strategy, where possible
  8. A product by product analysis of each investment’s cost
  9. General investment recommendations will be provided to potentially improve gains, lower costs, reduce income taxes, preserve wealth and avoid unnecessary risk

Interested in Discussing a Personalized, Free Second Opinion?
Please Call Legend
at (412) 635-9210 or Schedule a Free Appointment.