1Legend Financial Advisors, Inc.® (Legend) is a fee-only advisory firm. Fee-only means Legend never receives any commissions.

Legend’s clients will not pay (a) a transaction fee (also known as a trading fee or commission) for exchange-traded funds (ETF’s) and/or exchange-traded notes (ETN’s) as well as exchange-traded equities through virtually all custodians that Legend utilizes.  However, open-end mutual fund trading fees may be charged by custodians.

Legend will trade open-end mutual funds, usually an institutional share class, if available, on behalf of the client, through a few non-related institutional custodians.

An institutional share class of an open-end mutual fund is usually the lowest cost share class with regard to the expenses it charges.  Therefore, Legend utilizes no-load, institutional share classes (where available) of open-end mutual funds due to its desire to reduce its clients’ investment costs

Legend never receives any portion of such fees/commissions.

  1. Please note certain custodians that Legend may use to accommodate certain clients may charge a transaction fee.